On its Board Meeting of April 28th 2011, the governmental Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT) has approved a grant to reMYND’s Contract Research Organization (CRO) for the ‘Evaluation of candidate behavioral and synaptic markers in transgenic Alzheimer mouse models, to assess the feasibility of developing such early onset markers for large scale in vivo testing’, herewith recognizing the deliberated innovation efforts of the CRO.
In line with its vision, reMYND’s CRO helps its clients to assess efficacy of their experimental treatments against Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with a sole focus on in-vivo preclinical testing in its proprietary transgenic AD mouse models. To realize this vision, and taking into account the constant evolution of the scientific knowledge and research interests in the AD domain, the CRO continuously invests in innovative models and read-outs. Main scope of these innovation efforts is to enhance the offering of the CRO and optimize the translational predictability of its AD models.
An Tanghe, Manager of reMYND's CRO said: "The support of IWT will enforce an explorative trajectory resulting in a substantiated choice when it comes to the diversification of our portfolio of services. Specific aim of the dedicated project is the selection of synaptic markers and behavioral assays for a broadening of our current offering, hereby taking into account the state of the art in the Alzheimer domain, the interest from our (prospective) clients, and the specific characteristics of our transgenic Alzheimer models."
Adherent to the specific project application, a follow-up project has already been set out, comprising the validation of correlations/co-variances between the onset of the newly established synaptic markers and behavioral/cognitive performance. By extension, also other neuropathological read-outs at the level of brain, blood and CSF will be included. This meta-analysis will allow the mapping of the pathological changes seen in reMYND’s AD animal models at different ages vis-à-vis the described disease progression in patients at different stages, in order to increase the translational predictability of the respective AD animal models. Furthermore, these data will enable the assessment of suitable biomarkers predictive of therapeutic improvement of cognitive performance in early stages of the treatment.
As such, reMYND’s CRO intends to meet the strong need of pharmaceutical and biotech companies active in the Alzheimer domain, to have a more predictive pre-clinical in-vivo assay that would allow them to better design their as yet largely unsuccessful clinical trials, and by extension to increase the chances of successful clinical development of potent and safe pharmaceuticals for treating this devastating disease.
For more information about the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT) click here.
For more information on the current services offering of reMYND’s CRO click here.