Quantified Methoxy-X04 and AT100 (pTAU S212/T214) IHC staining of 6-13 months old APP[V717I] x Tau[P301L] animals in a specified area of the frontal cortex.
APP[V717I]xTau[P301L] mice develop age-dependent motoric inabilities from ~10 months of age onwards
Quadrant analysis during the probe trial, Morris Water Maze with 9 months- old APP[V717I]xTau[P301L] and age-matched non transgenic control animals (N = 22-23 per group, NE = Target Quadrant)
LTP measurements in CA1 region of 4-6 months-old APP[V717I]xTau[P301L] (biAT) animals compared to wild type animals and other transgenic Alzheimer models (Chong et all, 2011).
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